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On October 19th, LITERANRE and JOURNALISM School (LJS) SuccessFully Held Enterprise Humanity and Management Improvement (EHMI) forum.,The Vice-Chancellor of Shaandong University, Prof. Wang Desheng, The Party Secretary of ljs and Prof. Li Haijian from Chinese OF Social Sciences bet365 games best slotsWERED bet365 live casino gamesto Attention the Forum and Made Keynote s. More than 400 Entrepreneurs and Professional Managers Attended the Forum. And the forum was chaired by liu yuetan, The Vice President of ljs.

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The Speech Title of Desheng is "The Enterprise Management in the Period of Transition and Transformation". CE of the Entrepreneur Realm and the Industrial Transformation in this Period and Deeplyzed The Different Processers of the Individual Realm Upgrade of Entrepreneurs, Such as Occupation,Enlightenment,Virtue Marriage and so on. His Speech Explained Bet365 gamesProfound theories bet365 live casino gamesin Simple Language,The Audience Occasionally Burst Into Big Applause.

The forum was highly evacuated by the participating entrepreneurs, a Lot of people wanted to have more oppooth

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