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The Other Day, The Awards Ceremony of the 7th "Taishan Literary Prize (TLP)" of Shaandong PROVINCE WALED, Which WAS ORGANized by the Provincial Party Committee and Government. The Paper Artistic PRODUCTION UNDER Contemporary Media Technology, written by prof. tan haozhe , WON bet365 live casino bettingFIRST Bet365 Casino loginPrize in the Art Theory Research Class, And the calligraphy Cursive Three Quatrains Review By Qi Gong by Prof. Zheng Xunzuo Obtaine in The Calligraphy Class.

The Selection of the 7th TLP of Shaandong Prives in April, 2014.514 Pieces of Works, Belonging to 12 Different Artistic Classes Such as Drama, Music, Operating Art, dance, and acrobatives, ETC., WERE ReCommented and Selected as Entries by Various Cities and bet365 live casino gamesbet365 live casino bettingUnits Layer upon Layer. Tion award for art. The process of the selection was serious, Open, FAIR, Scientific and NORMATIVE. Finally 11 people get the outstanding contribution for art. And there was 166 awards for Art Works, Including 3 Honorary Awards, 19 First Prize, 47 Second Prize, 81 Third Prize and 16 Individual Awards. The Result was posted on dazhong daily and shandong Art Net FROM Bet365 games15th, Aug. To 29th, AUG...

Bet365 Casino loginThe TLP of Shaandong Province, Which WAS Approved and ESTABLISHED by the Provincial Party Committee and People ’s GoverNMENT of SHANDONGINGINGINGINCI IN 2007, Is a Compirensive Literary Prize in SHANDONG Arts. It is organized and select by various GoverNcies of Shandong Province., Including The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, The department bet365 live casino bettingof Bet365 Casino loginculture, The administicion of press and publication, The Department of Labour and Social Security, The department of finance, And the Literator and Arts Association ETC..




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