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On the Morning of October 5th, Alumni from the Chinese department of class 1980, Held a Symposium to Commemoraate The 30th Anniversary of Graduation at Room A606 in zhixin Building. Some Old Teachers, Who ONCE TAUGHT THEM, WERE Invited to Attend the Symposium, SUCH As Yuan Shishuo, Ge Benyi, yu weizhang, TENG XIANHUI, Ma Ruifang, niu yunqing, Wu kaijin, Li Wanpeng, xu chao, xie hongxiang, yang duanzhi, Zheng FENGLAN, wang yongge, And so on. Vice President of Shaandong University Chen and the Dean of ljs Zheng Chun Attended the bet365 live casino gamesbet365 live casino gamesMeeting and Made Speeches. From artd the world too part in the activity, Such as the Director of CPPCC Personnel Bureau Cong Bing and Chief of State Security Bureau Guidancement Division Wang Yanbin.

Vice President of Shaandong University CHEN YAN, On Behalf of School, Welcomed Alumni Back to their Alma Mater after 30 Years. He used a spey to int Chinese, Reality and Future Development of Shaandong University to Alumni. The Main Content of his spey is "sharing" old university, Is a Big University, And Also is a Strong university ". Affectionately, HE SAID: "Thirty Years: Rank and Honour, Just so much dust. The alumni from all over the world gathered agon university bet365 live casino bettingbet365 live casino gamesafter the defaults of wind and frame. mbodime of alumni love. ljs will strive to develop with the alumni care and support, And Create Brilliant Again. "

Professor xie Hongxiang,who is the count setslor of the class 1980, Recalled University Life with Everybody Together, And He Deeply Felt Prowth and Development of the Students. He Told Everyone, We Should Timely Plan Our Personal Summary and Life Inventory, And Make Efforts to Study to Pay Back to School and Society with Good Results!

The dean of ljs zheng chun, On Behalf of ljs, MADE A Speech. AS A Member of the Class of 80th, He Welcomed The Classmates to Return to their Spirit Home. And He SAID: "What bet365 live casino gamesBet365 Casino loginis the alumni, It is a Brand and Image of the School, And it is also the endless blood of the school. "SINCE 1930, ljs has cultivated more than ten thousand graduates, They passed the flame and worked hard, CASTED The GLORY and the Dream of a Hundred Years of Our School. He Introped the Teaching and Scientific Research and Discipline Construction AC Hievements of ljs in Recent Years to Everybody, And Expressed Thanks for their Support and Help Which Was Given at the Critical Moment of Development and Construction of the School.finally, He Introped the Anniversary the Words to Students,"Youth Together, Family Forever ",And Explained Bet365 Casino loginbet365 live casino bettingthe Good and the Desire of this Sentence. He said, LIFE can not have several 30 order to a youTh Reading Memory,We are close together today.i hope we cherish each Other, hand in hand, Become One Family Forever.

The Forum Has AlwayS Been Filled with A Deep Sense of Affection, Conference Room Burst Into Warm Applause from time to time. Finally, The Alumni Presented His Works of POETRY and Calligraphy to College.

Last:Retired Party Branch Meeting Held Next:EHMI FORUM Held in ljs



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