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On the Morning of February 20, A Learning Symposium was held to Study XI's Speech at 706 Conference Room of zhixin Building. Leaders and Teachers of ljs (LITERANALI SM SCHOOL) Attennded the symposium.

firstly, Dean Zheng Chun Led Led the Teachers to Learn XI's Speech. He Said that President Xi Jinping's Speech at A Symposium on Next Public O. PINION HAS Generated Discussions Across DomStic bet365 live casino gamesMedia Outlets. xi Delivered the Speech Follow His To the People's Daily, XINHUA News Agency and China Central Television, The Country's Three Major News Providis. According to xi, The Party's Media Work Should Guide the Public, Serve the Country's Overall Interests, Unite the General Public, Install Confident, Tell Right from Wrong and Connect China to the World. It is the Responsibility of All the Media Run by the CPC to UPHOLD and Spread The "Mainstream VO Ice "of Society, ESPECIALY As Society Becomes More bet365 live casino gamesDiversify and Opinions Vary. MES,

SCHOOL PARTY Secretary Wang Desheng Said that XI's Speech is a Programmatic Document with Long-Term Guiding Significance on The Will B. E Combined with xi's Speech, Fupepen Cooperation with SHANDONG PPCPD (Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department) And Promote the Development of Journalism and com Munication Discipline.

President xi Jinping's Inspect TOUR to Three Leadiders Was Lauded by Experts and Students Majoring In Journalism. f ljs said, President xi's Media bet365 live casino bettingTour Draws POSITIVE Feedback. A Firm Poliction Stance and Fine-Tune Professional Skills Are Required FOR TODAY's M Edia to exceIRCISE TheIR DUTY. Journalism Education Needs to Streangthen The Consciousness of the Party Spirit, And Regards The Firm Politic, Good style, Exquisite Business as the Training GOALS. As the Teacher, We Should Constantly Adjust, Improve and Upgrade the Teaching Plans and Teaching Methods to Adapt to the Changes in the New Media Environment.

Finally, Zheng Chun Delivered bet365 games best slotsa Concluding Remark. He Said that we was inspired and encouraged by xi's spey., More symposiums will be held in ljs for teachers and studers. We must earnestly comprehend, Explore, Interpret and Propagandize The Speech Spirit and Carry Out in Teaching Practices.

Last:Welcome New Studers Next:Chinese Discipline Conference Held at ljs



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