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Chinese Language and LITERANCE of Academic Degrees Community of the State Count Recently Campus of SHANDONG ITY (SDU). Vice President Wang Qilong, Professor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Wen Rumin and Related Personnel Attended The Conferente.

at the Beginning of the Conference, Wang Qilong Introiduced the Great Achievements of SDU MADE in Such Areas: Academic bet365 live casino gamesResearch, Subject Construction, TALENT CULTIVATION, And the New Campus Construction in QingDao. He Expressed His Appreciation for the Contribution of Literability and Journalism (LJS) and the C Enter for Literary Aesthetics in the Field of Chinese Subject Development. Prof. ZHANG FUGUI, The Organizer of the Conference Reported Works of the Appraisal Group and In Intropy Main Topics. THEN, Attendees discussed work scheme of appraisal group of chinese language and liticture. The following Bet365 gameswork shop should be strengthened. , Experts Thought. First of All,We Should Further Define the Group ’s Functions and Make their Own Advantages to Research for some Serious SUCH As Curriculum System, Degree Authorization System and Paper public Vice for the Academic Degree Commission of the State Countcil and the Ministry of Education, which can help them make decisions. The Second, We Should Pay High Attention to the Subject of Minority Language and LITERATURE and Support the Follow bet365 live casino bettingAspects: Teacher TR. aining, FRUIT COGNIZANCE, Periodical Construction, Curriculum System Construction, ETC. In the Afternoon, Attendees Mainly Evaluated the First-Level Ph.D.Degree Programs Bet365 Casino loginof the Chinese language and LITERANST JIIOTONG University.

tan haozhe, The Director of the Center for Literary Aesthetics Center, Presided the Opening CereMony of the Conference. Zheng Chun, Dean of LJS on behalf of school appreciated all experts who have provided support for the development Bet365 Casino loginof the Chinese language and literature of SDU, And introduced the work emphasis and the view of development in the near future. p, Some Invited Experts from Nanjing University, NANKAI University and Other Universities Attended The Conferenta.

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