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dear schoolmates, WELCOME to LITERANALISM SCHOOL (ljs). Starting from TODAY, We shall get into the history together, Entering a College with One Hundred Years' Glory and Dream; We Shall Head to the Future Together, wrting down the achievement and glory that generatures of teaches and students dreamed. New-COMING Students Bet365 gamesbet365 live casino bettingof 2016 Including The Undergraduates, PostGraduates and DOCTORAL Students.

SHANDONG University (SDU) Has Always Been Proud of Literator and History. . Fame of Literator, To a Large Degree, Thanks to the Foundation that Built, Streangthened and Passed on by the Predecessor College of "Literanture" and "Chinese"..

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Last:Freshmen Meeting Heeld at ljs Next:Learning Symposium on XI's Speech Held in ljs



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