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The 13th International Symposium on Evolutionary Linguistics was held
Release time: June 06, 2022 23:11    Author: Kong Yanqing    点击:[]

June 4th to 5th, 2022,Call by Associate Professor Liu Juan of Our Academy,The 13th Evolutionary Linguistics International Symposium (CIEL-13) prepared for the past two years (CIEL-13) will be held online。The meeting is hosted by our hospital,Organization of the Language Science Experimental Center of Our hospital。The conference invites Professor Thai Dou Shiyuan in the presence of the "Vocabulary diffusion" theory,From the University of Chicago, USA、Indiana University、Australian Laraka University and the keynote speaker from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,From Nankai University、Peking University、Peking University、Scholars in related fields in Shandong University as a special invited speaker。Others and nearly 100 experts and scholars from dozens of colleges and universities in China attended the meeting as formal representatives。The number of online listening Bet365 gamespeople has reached 1346 people。The meeting conducted a warm discussion and exchange on the theme of language evolution。

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The opening ceremony starts at 8 am on the 4th,Hosted by Associate Professor Liu Juan of Our Academy。Professor Xing Zhanjun, Assistant Professor Xing Zhanjun of Shandong University on behalf of the meeting, welcomes welcoming。Xing Xuezhu said in his speech,The evolutionary linguistics seminar advocated by Professor Wang Shiyuan, a famous linguist, is used as a cross -domain、Multi -disciplinary、The conference that pays attention to cutting -edge issues to strengthen the development and integration of humanities in Shandong University,Expanding the international influence of the school provides an important opportunity。indicates that Shandong University is willing to have a way with scholars,The mission of the construction of new liberal arts,Become a cross -fusion of various disciplines、New position for innovative development。

Professor Wang Shiyuan, Honorary Chairman of the Evolution Linguistics International Symposium, Speech by Congress。Professor Wang Shiyuan affirmed the status of Linguistics of Shandong University in his speech,highly praised the solid contribution of the dialect discipline led by Professor Qian Zengyi in Chinese official dialects。And to rely on Bet365 gamesMulti -disciplinary Language Science Experimental Center to Shandong University,Use existing language academic achievements,Help the society to solve urgent problems,Soon the results of breakthroughs have been given high hopes。

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After the opening ceremony,The conference arranged five keynote speeches,Hosted by Professor Shi Feng of Nankai University and Professor Wang Feng at Peking University。First, Professor Wang Shiyuan published a speech entitled "New Challenges for Evolutionary Linguistics",Review the major progress made by genetics and neuroscience in recent years,and point out that these progress provides a new research perspective for future evolutionary linguistics research。

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Subsequent,Professor Salikoko S. MUFWENE at the University of Chicago、Professor Paul T. Schoenemann University of Indiana、Professor David Bradley, Australia Playing University, and Professor David Li of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in turn,Development from language system、Cognitive evolution of the brain、The differentiation status of Chinese in the Department of Chinese and Tibetan Language、Cross -cultural exchanges and other perspectives of Chinese writing discuss the evolution of language。

From the afternoon of the 4th to the morning of the 5th,The conference arranged 36 grouping research Bet365 Casino loginreports and 24 lines Shanghai News Exchange,Content involved language as a complex adaptive system、Language evolution and crowd evolution、Time and time -dejection of language、Formation and evolution of dialects、Archeological and fossil evidence of language evolution、The horizontal transmission and vertical transmission of the language、Language and Brain、Language and aging and other topics。Among them, the "Functional Load of Chinese TONAL EVOLUTION" reported by Associate Professor Liu Juan of Our Academy is the theoretical exploration of the underlying cause of the Chinese tone evolution;、Song Yilin,Master Graduate Kong Chao、Longxueqing、Geng Yanqing、An Ye、Wang Yizhu,Undergraduate Chen Huandi also shows and report on the above topics,Discussion in depth,The atmosphere is warm。

In the afternoon of the 5th,The conference conducted four special guests to give a speech。Professor Shi Feng of Nankai University reported the continuous phenomenon in the language,Professor Chen Zhongmin of Fudan University reported the problem of sound and voice evolution of sound categories,Professor Wang Feng of Peking University discussed the tea in Miao Yao's language,Involved in historical sound changes。Professor Zhang Shuzheng, a professor in Shandong University, prepared a bet365 live casino gamesreport for the formation of Qingdao dialect for the conference,Following Geography、Population Move、angle of gender increase or decrease,The formation process of the formation of Qingdao dialect was demonstrated with the informative historical materials,The topics have caused particularly extensive and enthusiastic discussions。Professor Yue Lijing, Director of the Chinese Language Institute of Shandong University, presided over the report of the invited guests。



On the closing ceremony,The organizer of the International Symposium on Evolutionary Linguistics on behalf of Professor Li Chucheng and Professor Peng Gang of Hong Kong Polytechnic University introduced and invited to speak,The last seminar ended at the summary of Associate Professor Liu Juan of Shandong University。

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