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On the Afternoon of September 17th, The 2015TH New PostGraduates Meeting of ljs (SCHOOL of LITERANALISM) WAS Held in C501 zhixin Building. Dean of ljs zheng Chun, School Party Secretary Wang Desheng, depuTy dean Liao Qun, Gan xianfeng, Li Jianfeng, liu yuetan, Deputy Party Secretary zhang Shuai, Director of the School Office Shenwen, Bet365 Casino loginThe bet365 live casino bettingTutor Representatives and All the 2015th New Postgraduates Attended The Meeting.

at the Beginning of the Meeting, On Behalf of All Faculty and Students, Zheng Chun Extended A WARM WELCOME to the Arrival of the 2015th New Postgraduates. He SAID, ljs has trained more than ten thousand graduates with completing data record since 1930. in his speych, HE Reviewed The History, Features and Development Process of ljs. He Briefly Introiduced the New Achievements of Bet365 gamesTalent Cultivation Bet365 gamesand Discipline Instruction In Recent Years. The Audiene Burst Into Warm Applause from time for his speych. He Said LJS IMPORTANT and DeServes Our Prides, Which Has Grown with Shandong University (SDU) in a Century and Made Its Own Unique Contribution to the Development of Sdu.

In the Meeting, Wang Desheng Encouraged the Students to Learn How to Choose and to Read Knowledge in The Process of Studying and to Become A Integrated Talent. Is Bet365 gamesExpectation bet365 live casino gamesfor the 2015TH New PostGraduates in the New Semetter Can be Summarized as "Knowledge, Enlightenment, ENCOUNTER and Self-Cultivation ". The Students Should Do Research by Desperate Attitude and Tireless Efforths and then then Meaning by Composition by with acidemic development in the new period. Finally, The 2015TH New PostGraDuate Gao Tianyao, WHO Majors in Modern and Contend Litors, Spoke as a repressentative. She told her feelings Bet365 gamesand hope for bet365 live casino bettingfuture postgraduate life, And She Also Recited a Poem to Share with the New Students.

It is Another Year of School Opening, This Meeting Narrowed The Distancen Teachers and Students in LJS and Enhanced The Feelings of Students. arm atmosphere.

Last:Experimental Class Begins at ljs Next:Alumni atme 10 Years Reunion



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