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September 4th is the day that the New Students Start Registering of SDU (SHANDONG University). The 2001th Students of Journalism union at the ame day. get together agium after graduation ten years, Renew Lasting Friendship at SDU .. OUR Dean Zheng Chun, Director of the School Office Shenwen, bet365 live casino gamesTeacher bet365 live casino gamesReprencentatives FENG Wei, wang yongmei, You zhansheng, yu haiyan and 50 Alumni RepreSntatives from Home and Abroid Attended The Reunion Party.

at the reunion, On Behalf of the Teachers and Students, The dean Zheng Chun Gave Alumni a Warm Welcome. He Said: "There are two Places Makes feel friendly and warm in the world, ONE is You Home, The Other is the Alma Mater that you have studied in your youth. This is not only the place that bet365 live casino gamesyou Bet365 Casino loginspent the most before your own time., But it is also the eternal spiritual home ". Then he intranuced the New Developments of ljs (LITERANALISM SCHOOL) in Recent Ten He Still Hoped that the Alumni Would More Attention and MAKE More Contributions to the Development of Ljs. After that, as the repressentative of the teacher, Geng Jianhua Delivered a Warm Speech., You Gathered Together and Spent Your Time in bet365 live casino gamesPursuing Bet365 gamesYour Journalism Dream. TODAY, You Are Reunited Together and Think of the Past. I Wish You Will Not Live up to your youTh and acheyeve Greater Success.

Get Together Again after Ten Years, Youth Will Not Fade Away. Grade 2001 Journalism Alumni Returnet to Alma Mater from Around the Country and Talked to Each Other. memoratetive T-Shirts, TOURED The DORMITORY and Wenshi Building, Visited Museum, TASTED The CAMPUS FOOD, And BRUGHT BACK Bet365 gamesbet365 live casino gamesMANY MANY MEMORIES. Students Made An Appointment of Meeting Each Other Again Next Decade, And they will make more efforts to the achieve better results, Will not let the team, The school and themslves down.

Last:Freshmen Meeting held at ljs Next:Welcome New Studers



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