Experimental equipment
Experimental equipment
Electrical Electrometer
Release time: 00:45, June 16, 2022    Author:    点击:[]

ElectroncePhalograph is an electrical physiological monitoring tool that records neurons discharge,The graphics obtained by enlarging bet365 live casino gamesthe brain waves are EEG (EEG),Electric activity associated with specific events in EEG is called event -related potential (ERP)。The Electrical Electrical Instrument of the Voice Laboratory of Shandong University is the 64 -leading GES 400 produced by Magstim Egi Company。

1. Hardware system

Net AMPS 400 DC amplifier、64 -forth -shaped electrode cap、Electrode cap tool、Audiovisual stimulus workstation、Collection Analysis Workstation

2. Instrument connection

3, signal collection

Correct delay;

Wear the electrode cap;

Bet365 Casino loginDetecting gain and impedance;

Collection data

Note: EEG's amplitude is very weak,The ideal experimental environment is a shielding room with shielding functions such as electromagnetic sound。

4. Data analysis



Pseudo -trace test;

Reset reference;

baseline correction;

superimposed average

5. Common ERP

mmn: negative waves appearing between about 100 ~ 250 ms,bet365 live casino gamesIt is related to the processing of paying attention before the voice;

P300: A positive wave appearing about 300 ms,bet365 live casino gamesIt is related to the processing of the voice attention stage;

n400: A negative wave appearing about 400 ms,Related to semantic integration and processing;

P600: A positive waves that appear about 600 ms,Processing of syntax。

6. Application field

Neuroral Linguistics: Inquiry Voice、Vocabulary、Sentence and Synthica processing neuromatical mechanisms;

Pathological Linguistics: Screening for Special C first Language Cognitive Disorders、diagnosis and evaluation;

Brain interface: Decoding brain waves,Synthetic Bet365 Casino loginvoice,Read the language。

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All rights reserved: Shandong University Language Science Experiment Center

Address to No. 27 Shandong University Central Campus, Zhixin Building A District, No. 27, Shandan University, Jinan City: 0531-88361281