Management System
Management System

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bet365 live casino bettingIn order to strengthen the security management of Language Science Experimental Center,Establishing a laboratory safety hazard investigation and management system,According to relevant national laws and regulations and the "Measures for the Safety and Environmental Protection Management Measures of Laboratory of Shandong University"2016]5No.)、"Administrative Measures for Safety Inspection of Laboratory of Shandong University"2017]37Establishing these measures.

TwoThe laboratory in this method refers to all the collegeTeaching, Scientific Laboratory and related places(hereinafter bet365 live casino gamescollectively referred to as "laboratory").

Article 3According to "Who uses, who is responsible, who is in charge, who is responsible for",The School of Literature is the main body of the safety management of the laboratory of the unit。The laboratory of the college is a specific implementation subject for the safety inspection work of this laboratory。

Article 4Laboratory safety inspection focuses on the formation of the college as the main body、Related functional departments are responsible for division of labor and laboratory safety management experts regularly、Laboratory safety inspection system coordinated by the laboratory safety working group。

Article 5Laboratory safety inspection takes a combination of spot checks and self -examination、Combination of universal inspections and special inspections、Combination of daily inspections and regular inspections。

bet365 games best slots(1) Regular inspection of laboratory safety。Implement "three levels and three checks",Laboratory self -check every day,The person in charge of the laboratory conducts a safety inspection once a week; the college conducts a comprehensive safety inspection of the laboratory every month; the school conducts at least one laboratory safety inspection per semester。

(2) Laboratory safety irregular inspections。College Laboratory Safety Working Group conducts irregular random checks on key places of laboratory safety facilities。

Article 6Laboratory safety inspection content is based on the "Measures for the Safety and Environmental Protection Management of Laboratory of Shandong University"2016]5) and the Ministry of Education issued the "High School Lab Safety Inspection Project" as the basis for inspection。

Article 7All kinds of inspections of the college must form inspections and archives,Examination of hidden dangers of laboratory bet365 live casino gamessafety、Rectification should form a closed -loop management,Forms written materials for archive,Preventive measures should be formulated for the hidden dangers that cannot complete the rectification of themselves,Submit special reports to the school's relevant functional departments at the same time。Checking the responsibility for the archive of the material is "Who checks who is responsible"。

Article 8The laboratory of the inspection laboratory formulates a rectification plan for the hidden dangers of the laboratory and rectify it in time,If a major or directly threatening the life safety of teachers and students, if a major or directly threatening the life of teachers and students,The experiment must be stopped immediately,Do not recover without authorization before the hidden danger is excluded。

Article 9The college establishes a laboratory safety inspection reporting Bet365 Casino loginsystem。The results of the safety inspection of the college laboratory、Hidden dangers and safety accidents to report。

Article 10This method is implemented from the date of release

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