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The Specialty of Journalism is a Newly Founded Discipline of Our School., And CEASED Enrolling Students for a Period. After Resuming bet365 games best slotsbet365 games best slotsEnrolling Undergraduate Students in 1995, It has been strong denderoping tendency. Now it owns 2 underGraduate Degree ProgramS of Journalism and Advertising; OURNALISM, Communications and Designing Arts (of the Discipline of Arts). The Faculty Bet365 gamesbet365 live casino gamesIncludes 2 Professors and 6 Assistant Professors. Hina Media University, DAZHONG News Group of Shadong and SHANDONG Television are invited here-time teaches. Over, Studies on Broadcasting & Television, Studies on News Group and ETC. Bet365 Casino loginUnder bet365 live casino bettingThe Specialty of Journalism; Theory & Practice of Communication, Theory & Practice of Advertising and ETC. Under The Specialty of Communications; and Demonstrating Design, Advertising Arts and ETC. Under The Specialty of Designing Arts.

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