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This Discipline Aims at Training Talents with Solid Theory Foundation and Skilled Technical Ability on Advertising, And Also Stresses on the Expedition of the Students ’KNowledge Basis bet365 live casino bettingbet365 live casino gameson News Communications, Chinese Language & LITERATURE and Other Relate Disciplines. After Graduation, Students Could Get Jobs at the Advertising Management departments, News Media, Advertising Companies, Enterprises, Institutions, Industries of Market Survey & Information bet365 games best slotsConsultation Bet365 gamesand Other Trands, Working on Advertising Management and Administration, Advertising Designing and Production, Market Advertising Sales Designing and Market Survey and Analysis, And so on. They Can Apply for the Graduate Programs of Communications and Other Relate Specties, too.

Main Courses: Introiduction to Communications, INTRODUCTION to Advertising, History of Chinese and Foreign Advertising, Market Advertising Sales, Advertising Psychology, Advertising scheme, Advertising Designing, Advertising Idea & Case Analysis, Writing of advertising document, Advertising Bet365 gamesBet365 gamesDesigning with Computer Assistance, Advertising Photography & Recording and ETC ..

Last:Specialty of Journalism



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