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On the Morning of December 16th, The Third "LITERATURE LECTURE" WAS HELD At SHANDONGORSITITY (SDU). This Lecture Was Organize by the LITERANALISM SCHOOL (LJS). wo Nobel Laureates PARTICIPATED in the Lecture for High-Level Talks About "LITERATURE and LIFE" Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio was awaS Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literate in 2008 and Mo Yan Won the Nobel Prize in 2012. TheReface this is a beautiful converted Tween two masters.

zhang rong, President of sdu, Delivered A Speech and Isump The Comemorative Plaques to Mr. Mo Yan and Mr. Le Clézio. Vice President Chen Chaired the Dialogue. SOR of Nanjing University xu Jun as aS The Translator and Mo Yan's Wife Mrs. Du Qinlan Atnderly Activity. This bet365 games best slotsActivity bet365 live casino gameswas Presided by Zheng Chun.

in his speych, zhang Rong FIRSTLY INTRODUCED The Deep Origin Between Mr. Le Clézio and Chinese and SDU, And Reviewed the Fit BetWeen Mr. Mo Yan and SDU. ZHANG RONG SAID that LITERATURE IS A Kind of Cross-Border Communication Mode. UE is a Cultural Exchange Between China and Western Countries, is a Cultural FEAST, Also is the Eternal Memory in One Hundred -Year History of Sdu.

The Conversation was divided into the Three Parts: "Literanture and Life", "Chinese Culture and French Culture" and "Le Clézio and Mo Yan". In the dark age, There was full of war, VIOLENCE and Ignorance, While Literabature Brought The Hope to Human. TheReface, human, Culture and Nature Are InterDependent. He Stresset that the writeer Needs to have a sense of residence, To Reflect the Human Nature and Life with His Pen and To Structure Life. bet365 live casino gameshand, bet365 live casino gamesThere is no life, No LITATURE, And Literator Exist for Human Beings; on the Other Hand, LITERATURE HAS A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT On the People, And Every is a Potential Readers. As a writer, HE Should Write The Most Valuable and Individual Life Experience, Create The Most Real Typical Image, So as to inspire people's life.

Le Clézio and Mo yan shared their undistending on Sino-French Culture. OUND, Chinese Literator has the Imagination and POETIC CHARM. writers, Not only delivers free romantic frentic enlightenment spirit, But Also Enlighters China Writers How to write a Novel. Orks. Le Clézio Pointed Out that Humor is what he admire most mo yan's novels and the ance of humor actually Pulls Far Distance with the Real Suffering in Life, So as to realizes the life thinking and creation. Humor is the most powerful fight in bet365 live casino bettingthe bet365 live casino bettingface of despair. s, HE SAID The MOST IMPRESSIVE Description to Him Was The Hunger Experience During Childhood, The Soul Communication BetWeen Children and the Special Nature LandScape. He point out that the most moving part of a writer ’s work should be absatt T o cause resonance with readers.

The Dialogue Remained Light and Friendly. At the end of the dialogue, Mo yan and le clézio discussed with the teachers and Students on the forms of writing, Creative Ideas, Subject Interpretation and Other issues. Nearly 500 Teachers and Students Attended the lecture.

Jean Marie Gustave le Clézio was born in 1940, usually identify as J. M. G. Le Clézio, Is a French-Mauritian Writer and Professor., HE WAS Awarded The 1963 PRIX renaudot for his novel lecès-version, As Well as the 2008 Nobel Prize in Liteitive for his Life's work, as an "author Bet365 Casino loginof Bet365 gamesnew departures, POETIC Adventure and Sensual Ecstasy, Explorer of a Humanity Beyond and Below the Reigning Civilization ".

Mo yan was born in 1955, In Gaomi County in SHANDONG PROVINCE., Mo WAS Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literator for His Work as a Writer "Who with Hallucinate Realism Merges Folk Tales, History and the contemporary ". It is the first time for a writeer of chinese nationality to win the nobel prize in life., And Several Novellas and Short Story Collection, Such as "Red SORGHUM CLAN", "Sandalwood Death","Big Breasts & Wide HIPS", and "From" (2011: Mao Dun Literanture Prize).

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