11month21日Afternoon14hour,bet365 online sports betting live, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong、Director of China Research CenterHe Xingfengbet365 online sports betting live’s Guest Issue392Issue"New Apricot Altar",An academic lecture in Room A620, Zhixin Building,titled "Bing Xin, Tagore and Modern Chinese bet365 online sports betting live Education——centered on "Stars"". Lecture byHuang Wanhuabet365 online sports betting live presided over,Ye YangxiVicebet365 online sports betting liveAttend, attracted several十Famous teachers and students came to listen.
The beginning of the lecture,bet365 online sports betting live Huang Wanhua first extended a warm welcome to bet365 online sports betting live He Xingfeng,And briefly introduced bet365 online sports betting live He Xingfeng’s research directions and academic achievements。bet365 online sports betting live He Xingfeng is bet365 online sports betting live of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong、Doctoral Supervisor、Director of China Research Center,The research direction is Zhang Ailing research、Hong Kong Literature、Chinese modern and contemporary novels and dramas。Author of "Reexploring Eileen Chang: Adaptation•Translation•Research" "Revisiting Modern Chinese Literature: Close Reading•Data•Acceptance",Co-edited "The Oral History of Hong Kong Drama (1930s to 1960s)", etc.,New poem、Prose and novels can be found in "Hong Kong Literature" and "Sound and Rhyme Poetry Magazine", etc.。
First,Professor He Xingfeng introduced Bing Xin’s first poetry collection "Stars",Analysis of the existing research on Bing Xin’s bet365 online sports betting live education,Point out that existing research is not comprehensive enough、Short question,Thinks that the current research is on Bing Xin’s bet365 online sports betting live education thoughts and its relationship with the bet365 online sports betting live education movement,There is no in-depth and systematic discussion。Then she explained bet365 online sports betting live education (bet365 online sports betting live education) concept,And with the help of Peng Xiaoyan’s book "Dialectics of Emotion and Rationality: The Counter-Enlightenment of the May Fourth Movement", it introduces the situation of China’s bet365 online sports betting live education movement and its development process in the New Culture Movement in the early 20th century,Provided necessary knowledge background for the students present。
After,bet365 online sports betting live He Xingfeng sorted out Bing Xin’s life experience and cultural background,Combine it"The Philosophy of Love"、The idea of advocating truth, goodness and beauty,Emphasis on the emotional orientation reflected in Bing Xin’s short poems、There are similarities between the arguments of anti-rationalism and the bet365 online sports betting live education movement。But they are different from other intellectuals who were influenced by their experience in Japan and German educational theory and participated in the bet365 online sports betting live education movement,Bing Xin was influenced by Tagore。From this,We can reimagine Bing Xin’s participation in the bet365 online sports betting live education movement,Analyze whether there are different aspects of bet365 online sports betting live education movements and bet365 online sports betting live education thoughts that are different from the mainstream bet365 online sports betting live education movements in his works。
Finally,Professor He Xingfeng proposed to proceed from the perspective of global counter-enlightenment research,Re-examining the literary relationship between Bing Xin and Tagore。She interpreted the sunflowers that appeared in Bing Xin's "Sunflowers" and other short poems、Qin'er、Flute and many other images,Showing the poetry of Bing Xin、Implicit creative style and its transformation into Tagore’s literary works and bet365 online sports betting live education concepts,It shows that Bing Xin’s influence by Tagore is not as simple and intuitive as the existing literary history and academic papers say,What Bing Xin got from Tagore was mainly bet365 online sports betting live education ideological resources and formal inspiration。From this,We can see that the Chinese bet365 online sports betting live education movement is developingThe "India-China" cross-cultural path other than "Germany-Japan-China"。
bet365 online sports betting live Huang WanhuaRepresenting teachers and studentsbet365 online sports betting live He Xingfengfor your wonderful speech.bet365 online sports betting live Huang Wanhua said,The valuable experience in developing research ideas shared by bet365 online sports betting live He Xingfeng is worth learning,She placed Bing Xin’s thoughts and creative details within the larger historical context of May Fourth,In Cai Yuanpei and othersOutside of the path of bet365 online sports betting live dissemination and system construction of "Germany-Japan-China",Find Bing Xin’s own “India-China” dialogue relationship,Answered important questions with profound historical value starting from individual cases。
During the question and answer session, the participants spoke enthusiastically,With He Xingfengbet365 online sports betting live discussionBing Xin’s“Emotion” and Chinese Lyrical Tradition、What is the difference between "emotion" in Western Christianity,and ChinaThe development of bet365 online sports betting live education thoughtYesEnlightenment with reasonIt is mainly counter-enlightenmentQuestion,He Xingfengbet365 online sports betting live YiyiGo to detailsAnswer, the atmosphere of communication is very active。The lecture ended successfully with warm applause.