December 4, 2024, 7 pm,Professor Wang Jiajun of the Chinese Department of East China Normal University gave an academic lecture in Room 906, Block A, Zhixin Building, entitled: "Essence and Desire: Reflections on Julian's Comparison of Chinese and Western Views of bet365 games best slots",Lecture hosted by Professor Yang Jiangang,Many teachers and students came to listen。
Why nudes abound in Western art,However, Chinese art rarely expresses nudity?Professor Wang Jiajun first started with Julian’s thoughts on nudity and essence。Julian thinks,What supports Western bet365 games best slots art are the concepts of essence and ideals in Western philosophy,Revelation of human authenticity and shaping of perfect authenticity,Together they constitute the two major supports of bet365 games best slots art。And in China,Due to different views on nature、Artistic View、Body View、Body Expression View、View of "aesthetics"、View of “people”,Chinese philosophy and art emphasize change and process,It is impossible to think that "nudity is the essence",It is also impossible to produce bet365 games best slots art。
Professor Wang Jiajun pointed out pointedly: Julian has major deficiencies in his investigation of both Western and Chinese views of nudity and bet365 games best slots art。Julian excluded erotic paintings and other bet365 games best slots works from his observation of bet365 games best slots art,No doubt extremely simplifies the complex aspects of bet365 games best slots art。Julian believes that erotic paintings and other bet365 games best slots works represent nakedness,The process from taking off to revealing,Instead of nudity - the natural state of nudity。To this,Jean-Luc Nancy’s implicit criticism: the tradition of using nudity to express ideas or essence,The End After Humanism,Julian intentionally ignored the desire dimension of nudity。Agamben also starts from the post-structuralist position,Point out: nakedness always appears relative to exposure,Only nakedness exists,Instead of nudity。
Professor Wang Jiajun further analyzed,The reason why Julian returns to essentialism to compare the issue of Chinese and Western nudity,To highlight the cultural differences between China and the West。The study of Chinese bet365 games best slots art should become a reference for this issue。Differences between erotic paintings and Western bet365 games best slots art,It may be due to the Chinese and Western views on gender: Chinese philosophy elevates the sexual relationship between the genders to the cosmological level,The expression of bet365 games best slots art is inevitably limited by the yin-yang biochemical cosmological framework in classics such as "The Book of Changes" and "Laozi";Western classical art expresses the most metaphysical (soul) in the most metaphysical (body) way,And the image of Eros also expresses the hunger and thirst in eroticism for bet365 games best slots art、Satisfied、Temptation、Leave enough space for themes such as loss。Finally,Professor Wang Jiajun emphasized,When making cross-cultural comparisons of specific cultural phenomena,Conduct parallel research based on facts whenever possible,So,Only can we expect alterity and commonality to appear as they are。
bet365 games best slots Yang Jiangang expressed his gratitude to bet365 games best slots Wang Jiajun for his wonderful speech on behalf of teachers and students。In interactive session,Students on site actively asked questions,bet365 games best slots Wang Jiajun gave superb answers。To this point,The lecture ended successfully with warm applause。